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Marine Cargo

As goods cross borders by land, air or sea keeping control becomes increasingly difficult. Technological advances have also created high expectations by customers in terms of manufacture and delivery. Supply chains need to be protected from disruption and the negative impacts on customer loyalty, company reputation and cash flow. Globalisation has made trade with less developed countries a reality, where weaker logistics infrastructure and theft may pose threats to delivery.

In addition to cargo insurances, for goods owners, I-Mediate offers freight owners insurance in all its forms: door to door, or warehouse to warehouse, by sea, land, air or rail and from raw material to finished product.

Marine Hull

Hull and Machinery is an insurance policy specially designed for covering ship damage expenses.

Hull Insurance includes fixtures attached to the ship hull as a functional part. It covers all types of vessels operating in the oceans, rivers, lakes like bulk carriers, fishing boats, ships, tankers, cruises, yachts, jetties and wharves.

The policy plays an important role in helping boat owners to secure their vessels against machinery damage and destruction of hulls, fittings, liabilities etc.

Mainly the policy insures against the following perils at sea:-

Hull insurance policies also include Third-Party Liability, such as losses or damaged caused by your vessel to other ships or boats or injury to ship workers.

Goods in Transit

Goods in transit insurance (also known as GIT insurance) insures property of which you have the care, custody and/or control, if it is lost, stolen, damaged, or not delivered while it is being moved. This flexible policy can protect many types of drivers,

GIT insurance only covers the goods you are transporting, not your vehicle. In addition togoods in transit insurance, you will need a commercial vehicle, van, or truck insurance policy, depending on the vehicle you use.


Also known as aircraft insurance, aviation insurance typically offers both property and liability coverage to aircraft. So, it covers losses that can result from aviation risks such as damage to property, loss of cargo, or injury to people. In many countries, aircraft owners and operators are required by law to purchase insurance for third party liability. In the aviation industry, third party liability usually includes the payment that aircraft owners and operators have to pay for the medical expenses of the people injured in an aircraft accident. This insurance may also include the expenses of search and rescue operation missions, costs incurred on emergency landings, and injuries received while operating the aircraft.

Public Liability Insurance

This insurance covers the expenses that can result from damage occurring to the third party entities and property, like houses, crops, other aircraft, cars, and airport facilities caused by the insured aircraft. This insurance is also known as third party liability. The insurance does not offer coverage to the insured aircraft or the injured passenger travelling in that aircraft. In most countries, this insurance is mandatory.

Passenger Liability Insurance

As the name suggests, this insurance provides payments for injuries and final expenses in the event of death of a passenger travelling in the aircraft. This insurance is usually mandatory by law for commercial or large aircraft.

Combined Single Limit (CSL)

CSL insurance clubs the coverage provided by the public liability and passenger liability insurance into a single coverage. It sets an overall limit per payout per accident. By combining both public liability and passenger liability insurance into a single package, CSL offers more flexibility to the insurance holders in making payments for their liability.

Ground Risk Hull Insurance Not in Motion

This type of aviation insurance provides coverage for damages sustained by the aircraft when it is on the ground and not in motion. So, the insurance provides coverage for damages that can be caused by fire, theft, flood, wind or hailstorms, animals, hangar collapse, and uninsured vehicles or aircraft colliding against the insured aircraft. The amount of payment to be made is usually decided at the time of purchasing the insurance.

Ground Risk Hull Insurance in Motion

This aviation insurance provides coverage for damages that the aircraft may sustain while in motion. However, it excludes any damage that might occur while landing and taking off. This issue led to a lot of disputes between the aircraft owners and insurance companies, which eventually led many insurance companies to discontinue this type of coverage.

In-flight Insurance

In-flight insurance provides coverage for damages that an aircraft may sustain when it is in motion. This is the most expensive aviation insurance as most accidents are likely to occur when the aircraft is in motion.

Airport Liability

Airport general liability insurance provides coverage for airports in the event that they are sued for damages. This type of insurance is important for public airports, as it can help protect them from costly legal fees and damages.

Benefits of Airport General Liability Insurance for Public Airports

There are a number of benefits that come with having airport general liability insurance. Some of the most important benefits include: Coverage for legal fees and damages: Airport general liability insurance provides coverage for airports in the event that they are sued for damages. This type of insurance is important for public airports, as it can help protect them from costly legal fees and damages.

Protection from lawsuits: Airports can be held liable for a number of things, including injuries that occur on the property, accidents that involve airplanes or other vehicles, and damage to property.

Airport general liability insurance can help protect airports from lawsuits stemming from these incidents.

Peace of mind: Knowing that you have airport general liability insurance can provide peace of mind for airport owners and operators. If something does happen, they will know that they are covered financially.